By invitation we undergird Servant Leaders

Who become the focal point of our commitment to a community. We provide transformational mentoring, resource acquisition and management services which build capacity into leaders’ lives and sustainability into life-giving community projects.



Jacqui Smith


Derrick & Di Darlow


Diane Wilkinson


Cecil & Janice Spencer


Mark & Les Harper


Unsung Hero


Isaac Obwocha

About Provision

Pro-Vision International is a Christian Missions Serving Agency.

Mission Statement:

Strategically influencing the growth of the kingdom of God through the mentoring and equipping of exceptional servant leaders who pursue visionary goals in obedience to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Modus Operandi

We prayerfully ask the Lord to bring us self-sacrificing servant leaders who are active in the community and who are engaged in spreading the Gospel in practical ways through Nation building activities such as: Rescue of abandoned new born infants, care of orphans, early childhood development, primary health care, education, caring for the elderly and widows, evangelism, discipleship and Bible teaching.

We follow our tried and tested M Cubed model, Management, Means, Mentoring.

Reasons You Can Give With Confidence

Pro-Vision International is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (Section 18a) in South Africa

Orphanos, Pro-Vision’s financial service provider in the US, is a registered Section 501c3 organisation, and a tax certificate will be issued to any donors, upon request.

Pro-Vision International is a virtual organisation. We own no property, or vehicles or fixed or moveable assets. All staff are volunteers, responsible for their own support.

Ninety per cent of all donations go to the direct ministry work or the designated project. Ten per cent is retained to cover administration costs, – bank charges and commissions…

A copy of our audited financials is available to any donor upon request.

Our auditors are Alice Business Consulting in Johannesburg, South Africa.


We ensure that proper management structures are in place, a board of directors is appointed, each one with a specific portfolio, and that proper Corporate Governance Procedures are followed with full accountability.


This would consist primarily of finance to ensure that a ministry is adequately financed through committed donors, and that the work will be viable, and sustainable in the long term.


We undertake to mentor the leaders of the ministry/work on a regular basis, normally weekly to ensure that they are growing spiritually, are adequately cared for, and that they are growing in their role as the visionary leader of the work.

We are so blessed to have many people & organisations who have partnered with PVI and its projects to provide long term financial aid.

One of those companies is FÜM, based in Calgary, Alberta Canada . Their CEO, Braeden Pauls describes their mission statement as follows “For us, its all about seeing positive change. How can we empower others to create positive change in their lives?”

These are not empty words from the Chief Executive, or a cheap PR stunt, FÜM has put their money where their mouth is. For many years they have committed to give money from every sale in support of feeding the children at MFK.

FÜM ship their products worldwide – so if you are looking to make a positive change in your life – or know someone who is wanting to – we encourage you to check out their site :