2015 has seen spontaneous ministry growth.
In South Africa
Several Aloe Christian Listening Seminars have been held, to equip lay counselors and church leaders for more effective ministry.
Helping Hands and Leutlwetse Early Childhood Development have had a wonderful impact in the lives of vulnerable children and orphans through their care and feeding centres, where loving Christian counselling and family support programmes have been run.
In Mozambique
Through partnership with Crossroads United Methodist Church and Youth for Christ Mozambique, 4 water reservoirs were excavated in an extremely drought stricken area in Makeze, Central Gaza province. Health care workers were trained, and after the visiting team left, the PVI Mozambique team were able to train and resource Community Bible Study leaders, and a teacher for the community school in one of the remote villages in this area. Life-saving medicines were supplied and the PVI team mentored and did further training with the health care workers. Other activities include 3 houses built for orphans in the care of aged grannies, and their food and school support. A computer was supplied to a group of older orphans requiring it for homework tasks.
In Zimbabwe
This year food parcels through partnership with “Feed My Starving Children” were supplied to 1585 orphaned and vulnerable children and widow caregivers in four communities. Our 12 hectares of farmland have enabled the feeding programme when summer rains have been good. Overarching all of this, is the loving care and spiritual guidance of each of the children by the visionary pastoral couple leading the project Youth with a Vision.